
Showing posts from September, 2017

The beginning of my Guard army - Cadian Armoured Fist

My first proper blog post is going to be about my latest foray into Warhammer 40000. I've been painting individual models mostly since I started painting again and I'm equally excited and apprehensive to paint a full army with a cohesive colour scheme and theme.   I chose Imperial Guard because they seem to me to have more individual character than armoured troops such as Eldar or Space Marines and are easier to relate with than xenos races like the Orks. I'm aiming to do small conversions such as head swaps throughout the army just to avoid them being a mass of identical drones. I've started with the Cadian armoured fist as shown above and below. After messing around with khakis and greens I ended up settling on a grey colour scheme. The red pauldrons on the armour are to make the models stand out a little better on the board. I swapped out some heads for Catachan and Chaos Marauder heads. The Sergeant has Space Marine Scout legs to give him a more epi

A year in miniature.

Hi everyone, I've decided to start a blog to give me a central location for my miniatures. Hopefully this will keep all of my musings better organised than they currently are. I collected Warhammer fantasy and 40k when I was in my teens, with a Skaven  and Catachan army respectively. After I started painting again a little over a year ago I gravitated towards minis from smaller companies like Copplestone castings and moonraker for their affordability and quality. My taste in minis tends to be sci-fi,  heavily leaning towards post apocalyptic scenarios and dystopian futures rather than clean shiny sci-fi. I've painted a range of figures so far and my current project is a Warhammer 40000 Imperial Guard army. This blog will be my space to post photos of my miniatures and my thoughts on the painting process. It will definitely help me to be able to look back on my old photos with accompanying thoughts on the painting techniques that worked and those that failed completely. Hope